A survey was conducted in eighteen fluoride endemic villages in Mehsana District of North Gujarat (India). The individuals afflicted with fluorosis were examined for apparent mottled teeth and skeletal complications. Samples of urine and blood of these individuals along with drinking water were collected and compared with samples obtained from Ahmedabad city population (control). The analysis of water, urine and blood showed significantly high fluoride levels as compared to control. As a result, the serum catecholamine concentrations were significantly enhanced, which might be due to stress caused by accumulated fluoride in serum. The elevated catecholamines could directly influence hypothalamus-gonadal axis, as well as carbohydrate metabolism in these individuals. The serum Na+ and K+ levels were also enhanced suggesting electrolyte imbalance, which might lead to loss of body weight due to elimination of salts. However, calcium levels in fluorotic population were comparatively low as those of control, possibly due to alterations in kidney function. The serum T-3, T-4 and TSH were also under low range in fluoride afflicted population suggesting a disturbance in thyroid function leading to changes in basal metabolic rate. Thus, the data reveals the interrelationship of fluoride and soft tissue functions and its effects on general body metabolism.