Showing 1 to 10 of 16 Search Results:
Association between Water Fluoride Levels and Low Birth Weight: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2013–2016.
Arun AK, Rustveld L, Sunny A
Journal Name: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Publish Date: July 23, 2022
Volume/Page: 19(15):8956;
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity, NHANES
Fluoride Exposure and Age of Menarche: Potential Differences Among Adolescent Girls and Women in the United States.
Malin AJ, Busgang SA, Garcia JC, Bose S, Sanders AP.
Journal Name: Exposure and Health
Publish Date: November 25, 2021
Type: Human Study
Categories: Reproductive Toxicity, Testosterone, Susceptible Populations, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Serum-F, Estrogen, hypothyroidism, NHANES, NIEHS grant
Follow-up of an Intervention to Reduce Dental Caries in Indigenous Australian Children: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Jamieson LM, Smithers LG, Hedges J, Aldis J, Mills H, Kapellas K, Lawrence HP, Broughton JR, Ju X.
Journal Name: JAMA Network Open
Publish Date: March 1, 2019
Volume/Page: 2(3):e190648. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0648.
Type: Human Study, Clinical Trial
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity, Caries-preventive program, Pregnant women
NHANES 2011-2014 and 1999-2004 Pit/Fissure Caries Prevalence Trends and Disparities
Sharma S, Akilesh S, Oskar S, Salazar C.
Journal Name: Poster from annual meeting of American Association of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD)
Publish Date: May 24-27, 2018
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Age, Race/Ethnicity, NHANES
Dental caries and periodontal disease among U.S. pregnant women and nonpregnant women of reproductive age, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004.
Azofeifa A, Yeung LF, Alverson CJ, Beltrán-Aguilar E.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: September 2016
Volume/Page: 76(4):320-329.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity, NHANES, Pregnant women
The role of partial recording protocols in reporting prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis
Akinkugbe A, Iafolla T, Chattopadhyay A, Garcia I, Adams A, Kingman A.
Journal Name: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
Publish Date: December 2014
Volume/Page: 42(6):563-571.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Prevalence, Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity
Differences in exposure and biological markers of fluoride among White and African American children
Martinez-Mier EA, Soto-Rojas AE.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: Summer 2010
Volume/Page: 70(3):234-40.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Prevalence, Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity
Relationship between municipal water fluoridation and preterm birth in Upstate New York
Hart R, Feelemyer J, Gray C, Lodise T, Patel N, Wymer S, McNutt LA.
Journal Name: Abstract presented at American Public Health Association
Publish Date: November 7-9, 2009
Volume/Page: n/a
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Fetal Toxicity & Teratology, Pre-term/Low Weight Births, Reproductive Toxicity, Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity
Fluoride ingestion is related to fluid consumption patterns.
Sohn W, Noh H, Burt BA.
Journal Name: Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Publish Date: October 2009
Volume/Page: Fall;69(4):267-75.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations
Dental caries among disadvantaged 3- to 4-year old children in northern Manhattan.
Albert DA, Park K, Findley S, Mitchell DA, McManus JM.
Journal Name: Pediatric Dentistry
Publish Date: May 2002
Volume/Page: 24(3):229-33.
Type: Human Study, Epidemiology
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Race/Ethnicity, Caries