Showing 291 to 300 of 1238 Search Results:
Mus musculus bone fluoride concentration as a useful biomarker for risk assessment of skeletal fluorosis in volcanic areas.
Linhares D, Camarinho R, Garcia PV, Rodrigues ADS.
Journal Name: Chemosphere
Publish Date: April 23, 2018
Volume/Page: 205:540-544.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Volcanoes
The morphological changes and molecular biomarker responses in the liver of fluoride-exposed Bufo gargarizans larvae
Bo X, Mu D, Wu M, Xiao H, Wang H.
Journal Name: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Publish Date: April 15, 2018
Volume/Page: 151:199-205.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Liver, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Apoptosis, Oxidative Stress
Effects of perinatal fluoride exposure on the expressions of miR-124 and miR-132 in hippocampus of mouse pups.
Wang J, Zhang Y, Guo Z, Li R, Xue X, Sun Z, Niu R.
Journal Name: Chemosphere
Publish Date: April 2018
Volume/Page: 197:117-122.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Hippocampus, Animal offspring
The Effect of Chronic Fluorosis on Calcium Ions and CaMKIIa, and c-fos Expression in the Rat Hippocampus.
Teng Y, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Feng J.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: April 2018
Volume/Page: 182(2):295-302.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Apoptosis, Hippocampus
Curcumin and resveratrol rescue cortical-hippocampal system from chronic fluoride-induced neurodegeneration and enhance memory retrieval.
Sharma C, Suhalka P, Bhatnagar M.
Journal Name: The International Journal of Neuroscience
Publish Date: April 13, 2018
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Anti-Oxidants, Hippocampus, Curcumin
Possible protective effect of curcumin on the thyroid gland changes induced by sodium fluoride in albino rats: light and electron microscopic study.
Abdelaleem MM, El-Tahawy NFG, Abozaid SMM, Abdel-Hakim SA.
Journal Name: Endocrine Regulations
Publish Date: April 1, 2018
Volume/Page: 52(2):59-68.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Cellular/Tissue Effects, Thyroid Hormones, Curcumin, Protective effect
Abnormal spermatogenesis following sodium fluoride exposure is associated with the downregulation of CREM and ACT in the mouse testis.
Wang C, Chen Y, Manthari RK, Wang J.
Journal Name: Toxicology and Industrial Health
Publish Date: April 2018
Volume/Page: 34(4):219-227.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, DNA effects, Reproductive Toxicity, Sperm Effects, Testes
Protective effect of okra, Abelmoschus moschatus seed extract on developing brain of rats during pre- and post-natal fluoride exposure.
Nageshwar M, Sudhakar K, Reddy KP.
Journal Name: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Publish Date: April 1, 2018
Volume/Page: 9(4):1519-1528.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Behavior, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Therapeutic benefit
Impact of Prenatal and Postnatal Treatment of Sodium Fluoride and Aluminum Chloride on Some Hormonal and Sensorimotor Aspects in Rats.
Kinawy AA, Al-Eidan AA.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: March 24, 2018
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Reproductive Toxicity, Testosterone, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Aluminum, Animal offspring, Pregnant animal
Effects of fluoride on synapse morphology and myelin damage in mouse hippocampus
Niu R, Chen H, Manthari RK, Sun Z, Wang J, Zhang J, Wang J.
Journal Name: Chemosphere
Publish Date: March 2018
Volume/Page: 194:628-633.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Hippocampus, Neurotoxicity