Showing 41 to 50 of 355 Search Results:
Evaluation of Metformin and Dehydrozingerone against fluorosis induced neurodevelopmental toxicity in preclinical models.
Ahuja T, Kumar N, Begum F, Shenoy RR.
Journal Name: Alzheimers Dementia
Publish Date: December 31, 2021
Volume/Page: Suppl 12:e058668.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Hippocampus, Lipid peroxidation, Protective effect
The cognitive impairment and risk factors of the older people living in high fluorosis areas: DKK1 need attention.
Ren C, Zhang P, Yao XY, Li HH, Chen R, Zhang CY, Geng DQ.
Journal Name: BMC Public Health
Publish Date: December 9, 2021
Volume/Page: 21:2237.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Dental Fluorosis, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Age, Serum-F, China-IQ
Prospects for the Role of Ferroptosis in Fluorosis.
Zhang Y, Wu J, Jiang L, Lu C, Huang Z, Liu B.
Journal Name: Frontiers in Physiology
Publish Date: December 7, 2021
Volume/Page: 12:773055.
Type: Review
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, DF Mechanisms, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Endemic fluorosis areas, Lipid peroxidation
3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde mitigates fluoride-induced cytotoxicity and oxidative damage in human RBC.
Anjum R, Maheshwari N, Mahmood R.
Journal Name: Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Publish Date: December 1, 2021
Volume/Page: 69:126888.
Type: Cell Study
Categories: Blood, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, AChE, Lipid peroxidation, Protective effect
Sirt3-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in fluoride-induced cognitive deficits.
Wang D, Cao L, Pan S, Wang G, Wang L, Cao N, Hao X.
Journal Name: Food and Chemical Toxicology
Publish Date: November 12, 2021
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Brain Cellular/Tissue Effects, Cognitive Function, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Hippocampus, mitochondrial dysfunction, Neurotoxicity, Sirt3
Cyperus esculentus suppresses hepato-renal oxidative stress, inflammation, and caspase-3 activation following chronic exposure to sodium fluoride in rats’ model.
Adelakun SA, Ogunlade B, Fidelis OP, Adelakun OA.
Journal Name: Phytomedicine Plus
Publish Date: November 1, 2021
Volume/Page: 2(1):100163.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Liver, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Protective effect
Combined effect of arsenic and fluoride at environmentally relevant concentrations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain: Alterations in stress marker and apoptotic gene expression.
Mondal P, Shaw P, Dey Bhowmik A, Bandyopadhyay A, Sudarshan M, Chakraborty A, Chattopadhyay A.
Journal Name: Chemosphere
Publish Date: October 21, 2021
Volume/Page: 269:128678.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, DNA effects, Oxidative Stress, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Arsenic, AChE, Zebrafish
Hesperidin protects liver and kidney against sodium fluoride-induced toxicity through anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagic mechanisms.
Caglayan C, Kandemir FM, Darendeliglu E, Kucukler S, Ayna A.
Journal Name: Life Sciences
Publish Date: August 9, 2021
Volume/Page: 281:119730.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Kidney, Nephrotoxicity, Liver, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Apoptosis, Oxidative Stress, AChE, Protective effect
Pharmacological implications of ipriflavone against environmental metal-induced neurodegeneration and dementia in rats.
Hussien HM, Ghareeb DA, Ahmed HEA, Hafez HS, Saleh SR.
Journal Name: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Publish Date: July 7, 2021
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Susceptible Populations, Genetics, Amyloid plaques, Dementia, Protective effect
Distribution of Fluoride in Plasma, Brain, and Bones and Associated Oxidative Damage After Induced Chronic Fluorosis in Wistar Rats.
Sharma, P, Verma PK, Sood S, Singh R, Gupta A, Rastogi A.
Journal Name: Biological Trace Element Research
Publish Date: June 14, 2021
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Brain, Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Oxidative Stress, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Radiographic Appearance, Serum-F, AChE