
  • Calgary: Much of what we fear is not scary at all

    Judging by the news in recent weeks and months, it would appear as though we have no shortage of things to be fearful of. Bisphenol-A (BPA), cellphones, Wi-Fi transmitters and water fluoridation are just some of the apparent imminent dangers. How can Canadians ensure that the responses to these issues are based on conclusive scientific […]

  • Calgary: The moral imperative. Council makes right decision on the ethics of mass fluoridation

    Calgary city council deserves praise for voting overwhelmingly Tuesday to remove fluoride from Calgary’s drinking water. The 10-3 vote, with Mayor Naheed Nenshi absent for meetings in Toronto, is a courageous step on a contentious issue. Despite pressure from the scientific establishment to keep fluoridation, council made the right decision. Imposing mass fluoridation on an […]

  • Red Deer: Fluoride fighters inspired

    Calgary’s decision to remove fluoride from its drinking water is giving some teeth to anti-fluoride supporters in Red Deer. Residents who are opposed to the cavity-fighting chemical being added to Red Deer’s water supply are hailing a recent decision by Calgary elected leaders, who voted 10-3 in favour of eliminating it. The decision in Alberta’s […]

  • St. Albert: Council not eager to rethink fluoride in water

    There appears to be little appetite on St. Albert city council to halt the practice of adding fluoride to drinking water. A recent decision by Calgary city council to stop adding fluoride to its water has prompted a couple of local residents to press St. Albert council for a similar decision. The debate about the […]

  • Red Deer: Council seeks advice on fluoride plebiscite

    Red Deer city council is seeking more answers on whether a plebiscite on water fluoridation in 2013 offers the best solution for residents. Council decided on Monday to have administration prepare a report for May 16 on the heavily divided issue between those who support the cavity-fighting chemical and those who don’t. Staff will provide […]

  • Prominent researcher apologizes for pushing fluoride

    “Why’d you do it, Doc?  Why’d you toss the fluoride folks overboard?” I had just tracked down Dr. Hardy Limeback, B.Sc., Ph.D in Biochemistry, D.D.S., head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. (Whew.) Dr. Limeback is Canada’s leading fluoride authority and, […]

  • The dirt on fluoride

    “Doctor, I’d suggest fluoride treatment to protect your teeth,” my dentist said. I agreed. After all, I’d been told since I was knee-high that fluoride prevents cavities. I’ve also used fluoride toothpaste for years. But I recently decided to research this topic to see if there was a downside to this treatment. Now I know […]

  • Fluoridation Not Proven Safe or Effective and May be Unethical Reports British Medical Journal

    Old Bethpage, NY, United States, 10/08/2007 – No valid science supports the addition of fluoride chemicals into drinking water; however, 2/3 of US public water suppliers do so. Researchers reporting in the Oct 6 British Medical Journal (BMJ) indicate that fluoridation, touted as a safe cavity preventive, never was proven safe or effective and may […]

  • Critics raise red flag over fluoride in tap water

    Nearly a half-century after water fluoridation became widespread, a small but growing number of medical officials and environmentalists are again raising concerns over the practice. Recent research is suggesting that fluoride may be connected to a number of serious conditions, including the development in teenage boys of osteosarcoma, the rare bone cancer that killed Canadian […]

  • Cut children’s fluoride exposure, report to Health Canada urges

    An expert panel Health Canada commissioned to study the risks of fluoride exposure says the government should cut the recommended amount in drinking water, encourage the use of low-fluoride toothpaste by children and have makers of infant formula reduce levels in their products. The proposals were made in a report submitted to the federal government […]