
  • The Chemical Marketplace Series — Drinking It In: Is Fluoride Good for You

    Crossposted with More than 80,000 chemicals are produced and used in the United States. This is one of their stories. With nearly 200 million Americans drinking fluoridated tap water these days, is it time to ask ourselves, do we really need the fluoridation? Fluoridation and the Red Scare I grew up in the 1950s […]

  • Thyroid Doctor-Nurse Team Exposes Fluoride Risk

    Pre-publication review of Thyroid Power by Richard Shames MD & Karilee Shames RN, PhD has resulted in advance praise from physicians, nurses, and other health professionals.Ê According to John Lee, MD, author of the very popular book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, the new HarperCollins book, THYROID POWER: Ten Steps to […]

  • Study shows fluoride from tea & toothpaste weakens bones

    Fluoride consumption from tea and toothpaste damaged a woman’s bones, report researchers in Osteoporosis International published online October 9, 2010 (1). Fluoride, added to water intending to reduce tooth decay, accumulates in and can weaken bones. To prevent bone damage or skeletal fluorosis, in 1986 EPA set 4mg/L as water fluoride’s maximum-contaminant-level. In 2006, the […]

  • Fluoridation: Time For A Second Look?

    In 1997 the union representing scientists, engineers and lawyers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C., voted to support a California citizen initiative to stop fluoridation of public drinking water. In 1999 the union’s vice-president released a paper explaining the union’s opposition to fluoridation.[1] Fluoridation is the practice of adding fluoride to […]

  • AP EXCLUSIVE: US says too much fluoride in water

    Fluoride in drinking water — credited with dramatically cutting cavities and tooth decay — may now be too much of a good thing. Getting too much of it causes spots on some kids’ teeth. A reported increase in the spotting problem is one reason the federal government will announce Friday it plans to lower the […]

  • Bloomberg: Fluoride in Drinking Water Should Be Capped, HHS Says

    Fluoride in the U.S. water supply should be limited because the additive is damaging children’s teeth, federal officials said in announcing the first restrictions in almost 50 years. Drinking water should contain the lowest amount of the mineral recommended as the Environmental Protection Agency reviews the maximum level allowable, the Department of Health and Human […]

  • Re-Thinking Fluoride

    Link to listen to this program is at Chris Neurath from Fluoride Action Network pouring a glass of spring water at his home. (Photo: Bruce Gellerman) GELLERMAN: 66 years ago this month Grand Rapids Michigan became the first city in the world to add fluoride to its drinking water. Soon, studies confirmed what researchers […]

  • Fluoride Causes Cavities?

    New York – July 2, 2001 – Opposite to what’s expected, children who drink high fluoride water in areas of the African country, Uganda, have more tooth decay than their equals in low fluoride districts, and, expectedly, more severe dental fluorosis (yellow or brown teeth), according to Clinical Oral Investigations (a,b). “No teeth were lost […]

  • EWG: Proposed federal fluoride cap too high

    February 14, 2011 Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Community Water Fluoridation Comments Division of Oral Health National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 4770 Buford Highway, NE, MS F–10 Atlanta, GA 30341–3717 Submitted to: Subject: […]

  • Dental professionals get poor grade on fluoride knowledge

    Dear All, Included below is a statement from Karen Yoder, the editor of the American Public Health Association’s Newsletter, sent to us courtesy of Jane Jones. According to Yoder, a recent large survey found that “dental professionals’ knowledge about fluoride was far behind the science”. What the survey is likely referring to is the fact […]