
  • EU scientific committee further compromised by conflict of interest on fluoride

    Its competence already queried at inception in June 2009 by International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE) (1), the EU’s Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) which is investigating fluoridation chemicals, has now been accused of a conflict of interest. SCHER’s credibility is thus further compromised by one of its members having actively […]

  • Belgium, France, Ireland Cut Fluoride Use – Health Concerns Cited – British Scientists Request Health Studies

    Because of health concerns, Belgium banned the sale of fluoride supplements to prevent tooth decay, France removed sodium fluoride from the market for the treatment of osteoporosis and Ireland plans to lower water fluoride levels. And, because poor quality research has been carried out on fluoride and health, British scientists called, on Thursday (September 5, […]

  • Time, and the great healer

    In the summer of 1948, a little boy lay very still in his cot on the paediatric ward at Clatterbridge general hospital in Cheshire. His name was Peter. Not yet two, he had contracted tuberculous meningitis, a particularly vicious form of the disease. Penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic, was then just starting to save lives, […]

  • New Studies Find Fluoridation Ineffective

    A number of new studies have cast yet further doubt on the benefits of water fluoridation. 1) A study from the journal Caries Research (Seppa et al, 2002) reports no differences in dental decay when comparing the dental records of a fluoridated and unfluoridated town in Finland. As the study notes “even a longitudinal approach […]

  • EU Proposes Curbs on Substance Levels in Mineral Water

    BRUSSELS -(Dow Jones)- Natural mineral water could be damaging to health, and water companies may need to invest to remove harmful substances from their products, the European Union Commission said Thursday. The Commission proposed maximum levels on 15 substances – including fluoride, nickel and lead – that occur in mineral water. It said most of […]

  • Basel, Switzerland, Halts decades of Water Fluoridation

    New York — April 30, 2003 –Over forty years of water fluoridation failed to reduce tooth decay in Basel, Switzerland, where children’s cavity rates increased from 1996 – 2001, according to a Swiss Government Report(1). Basel, the only Swiss city adding fluoride to water supplies, halted fluoridation(1a) on April 9, 2003, on the advice of […]

  • Aluminium found effective for treating natural waters

    The use of aluminium oxide is an effective and safe method for the removal of fluoride from natural mineral waters, an EU scientific body has concluded. The evaluation of various methods to remove fluoride from such products paves the way for regulator approval of the process. This would provide companies with an EU-wide approved process […]

  • Vietnam to launch salt fluoride project in Lao Cai

    HANOI — A pilot phase of a salt fluoridation project will be implemented in Lao Cai province by the end of the year in an effort to improve oral health in Viet Nam, said Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Xuyen. Xuyen was speaking at a three-day National Dental Congress and International Exhibition 2008 in […]

  • Best Fluoride Levels Determined for Children’s Toothpastes

    Everyone who has ever seen a toothpaste commercial knows that fluoride is the ingredient that helps fight tooth decay, but a new review has determined exactly how much fluoride is best in toothpastes for children. For optimal prevention of cavities in children over age 6, toothpastes should contain at least 1,000 parts per million of […]

  • Do We Really Need Fluoride In Water?

    Have you ever wondered why we need to have fluoride in drinking water when there is already fluoride in our toothpaste? The October 2010 issue of the journal of the American Dental Association has confirmed that infants fed with formula milk prepared from fluoridated water run a greater risk of fluorosis (mottling and discolouration of […]