
  • Editorial: Watsonville’s fluoridation fight

    The prestigious LA Times begins their editorial: “During the Middle Ages, pogroms throughout Europe were instigated by rumors that Jews were poisoning the wells. Then during the Cold War, when communists became the Western world’s boogeymen, conspiracy theorists believed fluoridated water was a Red plot to destroy our society. Today, with modern chemical testing and […]

  • Watsonville: Fluoridation, fishy funding and a flawed process

    The Feb. 23 letter from Rowland Rebele supporting the forced fluoridation of Watsonville’s water concluded with the need to disagree agreeably. Since Mr. Rebele’s considerable wealth has allowed him to provide substantial financial support to the Santa Cruz homeless shelter and other causes, he certainly deserves respect … so I’ll proceed accordingly. His opening point […]

  • Chairman of Irish Consumers Association Calls for End to Fluoridation

    The following letter, published in the July 19 edition of the Irish Times, provides further support to the effort to ban water fluoridation in Ireland. The letter is from John Colgan, the Chairman of the Consumers’ Association of Ireland. According to Colgan: “[I]t is urgent that Government policy should now change to allow every consumer […]

  • Beaverton called to decide on fluoridation

    Long before Stand for Children began promoting fluoridation in Beaverton, UNICEF posted its Web site report seriously challenging traditional thinking on fluoride‘s safety and effectiveness in reducing tooth decay ( Most of Europe — only 2 percent fluoridated, with decay rates comparable to or better than ours — ended the practice of adding fluoride to […]

  • Fluoridation: Weigh the risks along with the benefit

    H ouse Bill 2025 would mandate the fluoridation of drinking water in Oregon municipal systems serving more than 10,000 people. At first glance that may sound like a healthy idea. After all, conventional wisdom is that fluorides help prevent caries of the teeth. As a physician, I was a proponent of drinking water fluoridation for […]

  • Something in the Water

    Portlanders have voted down fluoridation three times, but now the state Legislature may force it down our throats-literally. A bill that would pressure Portland and most of Oregon to put fluoride in drinking-water supplies-and also potentially add harmful substances such as lead and arsenic-heads to the Oregon Senate after passing the state House last week. […]

  • Fluoridation is not safe way to go

    House Bill 3099 would force Oregon cities including Portland, Eugene, Bend and Ashland to add fluoridation chemicals to their drinking water even though each of these cities has specifically voted against fluoridation. Fluoridation promoters have been unable to convince most local communities in Oregon to fluoridate their drinking water, so they are pushing the Legislature […]

  • Water fluoridation, a local issue

    House Bill 3099 would force major Oregon cities to add silicofluorides to their drinking water even though several cities have specifically voted against fluoridation. Failing to convince most Oregon voters, promoters of fluoridation are pushing the Legislature to remove local control. As a dentist with a masters degree in public health for over 25 years, […]

  • Fluoride rant had wrong info

    The Oregonian said it best: “Oregon isn’t known for its movie star teeth, unless you count horror movies.” Two-thirds of the U.S. population drinks from fluoridated water supplies and it has a 60-year history of safety and effectiveness. Yet anti-fluoridationists like Dr. Osmunson continue to spread untruths. Untruth No. 1 – European Dental Association no […]


    In Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1964 movie, Dr. Strangelove, the deranged General Jack D. Ripper thinks he knows a secret communist plot to destroy Americans from within. “A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice,” he says ominously. He’s referring to water fluoridation, “the […]