
  • The F Word: Fluoridation Controversy in Oregon

    When he came to Portland last April to take a job as Oregon’s dental director, H. Whitney Payne Jr. says he was shocked–shocked! “Oregon is a progressive state–how can they turn their back on something that is so proven and so widely accepted?” says Payne. “If Oregon is such a health-conscious state, why do they […]

  • Snohomish council votes not to add fluoride to city’s water

    When it comes to water fluoridation, Snohomish will remain a town divided. The Snohomish City Council has decided not to fluoridate the water the city supplies to the southern part of the city. Water for the northern half, supplied by Everett, will continue to be fluoridated. The council had discussed the feasibility of fluoridating the […]

  • Furor over fluoride hard to swallow

    Ten years ago, a push to put fluoride in our water failed, barely, at the polls. The forces of fluoridation vowed to keep up the fight. Unfortunately, it’s the forces against fluoride who have kept fighting. And they’re winning, big time, using the same tools that flat-earthers drag out to deny global warming or argue […]

  • US government proposed reduction of fluoridation does not go far enough

    Summary Statement Issued by Dr. Bill Osmunson, dentist and President of Washington Action for Safe Water: “On January 7, 2010, US Health and Human Services (HHS) admitted that we are getting too much fluoride and that the amount added to drinking water should be lowered – from a maximum of 1.2 ppm to a flat […]

  • Conflict over fluoridation far from over

    Most all of the cities in Davis County are fluoridated now, and even the lone hold-out — Layton — is knuckling under and installing fluoridation equipment. But just because the fluoridation order seems to be a done deal, fluoride foes aren’t just sitting back and grumbling about losing the battle. They still believe they can […]

  • Fluoridation: West Jordan Seeking Way to Opt Out

    WEST JORDAN — Voters approved it and Salt Lake County passed an ordinance requiring it. So fluoride will be flowing throughout the valley by October 2003, right? Nothing is ever that simple when it comes to fluoride. Right now, West Jordan is investigating whether it can opt out of fluoridation, which Councilman Andrew Allison says […]

  • Scandalous Silence

    Whatever the other effects of water fluoridation, it seems that merely aligning oneself politically with the stuff can bring on a serious case of lockjaw. Just look at Salt Lake County health authorities, who refused last week to address West Jordan’s concerns about the process. Davis County authorities have been just as mum recently, except […]

  • Utah a national leader by not fluoridating

    Utahns consistently reject fluoride because we cut through the enormous endorsements and weigh the facts. We are not behind the times, but ahead of the 60 cities that bucked the system and rejected fluoride in the 1990s. We’re unique because we vote. Most cities are fluoridated by executive order. The task of unmasking this fluoride […]

  • Fluoridation Promises

    The effectiveness and safety of fluoridated water will be debated until the taps run dry, but Salt Lake County health officials have ensured that the stuff will never be associated with a truth serum. To sell voters on fluoridation last year, they promised it would be cheap and easy to implement. Now they have pushed […]

  • Hard to Swallow

    Public health officials are fighting two anti-fluoridation bills in the Utah Legislature with a familiar two-pronged argument: Weird Utahns have been bucking a trend with their dogged opposition to water fluoridation, and scientists are unanimously behind it. It is the same misinformation that helped proponents win referendums in Davis and Salt Lake counties in November […]