
  • Goffstown weighs the evidence

    GOFFSTOWN – Saying there is doubt about fluoride‘s safety, a majority of speakers decried using fluoridated water from Manchester in Goffstown during a public hearing last night at Saint Anselm College’s Institute of Politics. About two dozen people turned out for the hearing. Some Manchester officials attended and fielded questions from the audience in a […]

  • Arsenic in the water: Benefits vs. dangers

    Arsenic, the legendary king of poisons, is being added to drinking water in Manchester and other New Hampshire communities that fluoridate. The cancer-causing metallic element is among the contaminants found in hydrofluosilicic acid, which is used to deliver tooth decay-preventing fluoride to Manchester’s drinking water. In recent weeks, both the state Department of Environmental Services […]

  • Portsmouth. To fluoridate or not to fluoridate water?

    An important discussion is going on in Portsmouth and it’s less about the science of whether fluoridation of the water is good or bad for our health and more about the choice of individual citizens of Portsmouth as to whether they want the fluoridation of their water imposed upon them. I’ve read with interest the […]

  • Portsmouth: Fluoride issue shows council failed to hear valid concern

    A few months back, when Portsmouth resident Rick Horowitz suggested that the City Council study the use of fluoride in the city’s drinking water, he was dismissed by the City Council and derided by some of the region’s public health professionals. What a difference a few months can make. On Jan. 8, The Associated Press […]

  • Oral Health: Yes; Truth Decay: No

    “Never, never reconstitute infant formula with fluoridated water. And never let children under 3 — whose swallowing reflexes are not fully developed — use fluoridated toothpaste. Infants and young children are especially susceptible to fluoride toxicity.” These warnings from Dr. Hardy Limeback, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, D.D.S., University of Toronto’s Head of Preventive Dentistry and Past […]

  • Mandatory fluoridation of drinking water up for debate

    TRENTON, N.J. — Children and adults will get fewer cavities if New Jersey requires all public water suppliers to add fluoride to drinking water, according to dental health advocates promoting the idea as a safe, cheap way to combat tooth decay. Opponents insist that fluoridated water poses health risks, including elevated risk for certain cancers […]

  • Demand proof on fluoridation

    Trying to sort out who’s right and who’s wrong in the debate in Trenton on whether privately owned water companies should be required to fluoridate drinking water isn’t easy. But the burden of proof should rest with those who say it’s necessary. The New Jersey Dental Association wants the state Public Health Council to write […]

  • Adding fluoride to water may pose health risks

    Scary news travels fast. Within weeks after the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences released a study citing adverse health effects of fluoride in water supplies, the Hightstown Board of Health introduced a draft recommendation to the Borough Council supporting a ban on water fluoridation. Dylan Ross, an alternate Board of Health […]

  • Fluoridation:  What’s Being Ignored

    For fifty-five years, the promotion of water fluoridation was justified by the theory that fluoride, incorporated into tooth enamel during childhood, would result in teeth resistant to decay.  This prior dogma was conclusively swept away three years ago by the same authorities that long declared the theory “scientifically undebatable.”  Its import was barely noted in […]

  • Piney Point: Phosphate plants under close eye

    It’s not like you can padlock the doors and walk away. The complexities of keeping a phosphate processing plant operating are becoming clear to government regulators now overseeing two of them. Ponds full of 1.5 billion gallons of acid and three mountains of radioactive waste mean you just can’t shut off the machinery and turn […]