
  • Fluoride Divide. A 60-year Debate Revisited in Escambia County

    Some experts have called it a breakthrough in human health innovation, while others have pitted it as a toxic, government infringement. But while the controversial issue of water fluoridation dates back to its initial integration into public drinking utilities during the 1940s, there has been little buzz surrounding it in Escambia County since it was […]

  • Lafayette editorial: Proceed with water fluoridation

    New efforts to widen the use of water fluoridation under the state’s Healthy People objectives remain controversial today, although with better justification than the conspiracy theories of half a century ago. Lafayette’s city-parish government should comply with the 2008 state law requiring water systems with more than 5,000 hookups to regulate the fluoride levels in […]

  • Editorial: Declaring war on children’s teeth

    It’s hard to figure what some of our elected leaders have against dental health for children. First, fluoridation. This flap came up after the Legislature last year decided to require proper fluoride levels in municipal water systems of any size. The object is the same as with the fluoride in toothpaste: protect teeth, especially kids’ […]

  • Reconsider fluoride additive

    Recently, my husband’s cardiologist was not joking when he told him, “They should put Lipitor in the water supply.” His explanation of the benefits he saw with his patients in lowering their cholesterol had convinced him that this was the way to go. But in another doctor’s office, a patient was complaining about the side […]

  • Great Salt Bay Sanitary District: Twin village residents question fluoride use in water

    A trio of local residents appeared before the Great Salt Bay Sanitary District Board of Trustees May 12 to express concerns over the Sanitary District’s practice of adding fluoride to the public water system that serves 1650 customers in Newcastle, Damariscotta and Damariscotta Mills. Amy Lalime of Damariscotta said she believed the added fluoride provides […]

  • Fluoride debated in Cadillac

    It has been a longtime debate — to fluoridate or not to fluoridate the water system in Cadillac. According to Dr. James Wilson, the city of Cadillac is the largest city in Michigan that doesn’t add fluoride to the water. Although that is the case, Cadillac City Manager Pete Stalker said the city isn’t opposed […]

  • Fluoride debate in Billings

    Israelis and Palestinians will live together in peace before opponents and supporters of water fluoridation agree on anything. Advocates of water fluoridation say it is backed by an overwhelming majority of health and science professionals nationwide and is one of the cheapest, most effective public-health initiatives ever undertaken in the United States. They say fluoride […]

  • Bozeman: Fluoride debate bubbles up

    Charlie Graff wants Bozeman to stop putting fluoride in its drinking water. “No one really knows for sure if it’s safe or not,” he told Bozeman City Commissioners earlier this month. “There are some of us out here who are really concerned.” Graff, a sophomore at Montana State University, won’t drink or bathe in unfiltered […]

  • Chemist: Hear both sides in fluoridation debate

    I have spent the last six years researching the issue of fluoridation, with no ax to grind, and I am appalled that anyone would consider adding this biologically and pharmacologically active substance to the drinking water. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. The level in mothers’ milk (10 parts per billion) is one hundred times […]

  • Missoula Undeflected

    Dear All, We have long maintained that the push for fluoridation is an attempt to deflect from two obvious problems with respect to dental health in America’s children. The first problem, is that America, despite its enormous wealth, provides very poor dental care for children in families of low income. The second is that American […]