
  • Fluoride backers gain toothhold in Western, Maryland

    In a small Western Maryland dental clinic, William Tompkins examines X-rays that reveal the ravages of decay in the smile of a 4-year-old girl. Glowing clearly from the fuzzy image of her mouth is the metal of 12 fresh fillings. “That’s half her teeth,” Tompkins says, shaking his head. “My friends in Washington tell me […]

  • Salmon farmers threaten to leave if aluminum smelter is built

    Salmon farmers in the Aysen province of southern Chile threatened to pull out of the area if the Alumysa aluminum smelter project of Canada’s Noranda (NYSE: NRD) goes ahead, Santiago’s La Segunda newspaper reported. The Chilean association of salmon farmers claimed the plant would contaminate the pristine zone’s water with 300,000t/y of fluoride, which would […]

  • BBC: Russian community relocated to escape fluoride pollution from aluminum plant

    [Presenter] Now back to domestic news. Irkutsk ecologists have carried out more research work in the area of the Bratsk Aluminium Plant. They have proven that poisonous substances discharged by the plant’s smokestacks for many years are extremely dangerous for local residents. Local authorities have been impressed by the collected data. Officials say that they […]

  • Ecological Russian Roulette

    NADVOITSY, Russia – The children of this town learn early not to smile. When they do, they show a ghastly array of blackened, splintered, rotting stumps where milk-white teeth might have been. An environmental plague has struck this northern land of lakes, no longer pristine, and thinning pine forests. The children of Nadvoitsy are its […]

  • Animal poisoning raises controversy near Irish Aluminum Smelter

    “I GOT all this equipment years ago and never thought I’d be using it for this,” Justin Ryan says as he takes a tape out of his camcorder. He has been using it to record the sick and dying animals on his farm and neighbouring farms near Askeaton, Co Limerick. Mr Ryan sent a copy […]

  • Tarnished Aluminum Plant (but a Shiny Future?)

    ZIAR NAD HRONOM, Slovakia — Rudolf Camaj doesn’t quite know whether to trust the stories that one day the aluminum plant here will be so clean there might be an outdoor swimming pool for the workers. “It is almost unbelievable to us that the old factory will be replaced by a new factory that won’t […]

  • Skawina Aluminum Factory to be Closed Because of Pollution

    As it has no filters at all, the enterprise, situated near Cracow, ”emits into the environment more than 1,700 t of pure fluorine, of which more than 800t finds its way into the environment in the most dangerous form, hydrogen fluoride”. This is the reason for the particularly high incidence of inflammation of the respiratory […]

  • Spain’s Minersa to become main shareholder in SA hydrofluoric acid venture

    Spanish fluorspar producer Minersa would replace Tunisian aluminium fluoride maker ICF as the major shareholder and technology partner of Alfluorco, a South African hydrofluoric acid and aluminium fluoride joint venture, diversified-miner Metorex said on Tuesday. Minersa would own a 50% stake in the company, which is studying the feasibility of a R500-million hydrofluoric acid plant, […]

  • Global Fluorspar Market to Reach 5.2 Million Metric Tons by 2015

    GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global report on Fluorspar markets. The global market for Fluorspar is forecast to reach 5.2 million metric tons by the year 2015. Aluminum fluoride markets are likely to spur demand for fluorspar in the coming few years. Demand for fluorspar in other areas such as aluminum smelters and […]

  • Blue Danube’s Murky Future

    BELGRADE – For Yugoslavia, the Danube River is a lifeline — a source of fish, irrigation and drinking water and an important waterway for barges carrying grain, coal, steel, ore and other freight. But these roles are being threatened as the legendary river reels from the effects of last year’s 78-day war over Kosovo. Many […]