
  • Arsenic Standard for Water Is Too Lax, Study Concludes

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 – The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that arsenic is so dangerous in drinking water that stringent levels set by the Clinton administration and later suspended by the Bush White House were justified but perhaps not strict enough. Details of a report by the academy that were made available tonight by […]

  • Dr. Mercola announces Fluoride Awareness Week

    During the week of August 8th-13th, Dr. Joseph Mercola is launching “Fluoride Awareness Week,” with in-depth newsletters and interactive articles on various fluoride topics. “In a nearly unprecedented about-face, U.S. health officials recently admitted that Americans are getting too much fluoride, “ said Dr. Mercola, founder of, one of the most popular alternative health […]

  • FAN Versus DOW

    Dear All, I am happy that we met the deadline and got our comments into the US EPA on DOW’s attempt to get sulfuryl fluoride accepted for use on 40 foodstuffs. If DOW is successful they would be adding yet another fluoride source to our diet and thereby further increasing our daily dose of fluoride […]

  • A Precedent?

    NEW: For those who haven’t heard about it yet, there is good news coming in from Europe. The Belgian Ministry of Health is planning to enact a ban on fluoride supplements. The ban was issued after a study, commissioned by the Ministry, concluded that ingestion of fluoride can cause osteoporosis and damage to the nervous […]

  • Alzheimer’s in America: The Aluminum-Phosphate Fertilizer Connection

    Americans are losing their minds to Alzheimer’s disease. It’s an epidemic. And it’s not typical of what’s going on in the rest of the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 18 million people with Alzheimer’s. Over 4 1/2 million Americans have the disease. We account for 25% of all Alzheimer’s cases, […]

  • Sound Science vs. the Anti-Fluoridation Gang (EWG and FAN)

    Glaring examples of anti-fluoride paranoia have recently made the news. An outfit called FAN (Fluoride Action Network), another called the Lillie Center, and the EWG (Environmental Working Group) have weighed in with media releases that demonstrate quack modus operandi: misstatements of fact, half-truths, and dubious, cherry-picked, non-contextual data. They use a November 2006 statement by […]

  • Comment on NYC Council member Peter Vallone’s position on fluoride

    When the Environmental Working Group this week declared much of American produce to be “tainted” with pesticides, ACSH’s Dr. Gilbert Ross found more than a trace of irony in their latest, much publicized food scare. In his op-ed featured in yesterday’s National Post, Dr. Ross observes that the source of a real public health threat […]

  • The Top Ten Unfounded Health Scares of 2011

    I. Introduction Some old scares refuse to die. This year finds us with revivals of more than a few stories that we had hoped would stay in the junk scares graveyard, where they belong. But from phthalates to genetically modified fish, consumers continue to be needlessly frightened about safe products. Still, we’ve also been kept […]

  • Ridgeland considers adding fluoride to water system

    The dental debate rages on. Ridgeland is considering reintroducing fluoride to its drinking water system. But the Town Council’s decision may come down to cost rather than the pros and cons of the chemical additive which many believe helps prevent tooth decay. The town discontinued fluoridation in the mid-80s to cut costs at the water […]

  • Bishopville to stop adding fluoride to water

    BISHOPVILLE – Water – it runs from every spigot, every faucet, every shower head. And in Bishopville, it soon will become more natural. At the end of June, Bishopville will discontinue adding fluoride to its water, a practice that started more than 30 years ago. The American Dental Association began promoting adding fluoride to town […]