
  • Fluoride as a Cause of Kidney Disease in Animals

    Because the kidney is exposed to higher concentrations of fluoride than all other soft tissues (with the exception of the pineal gland), there is concern that excess fluoride exposure may contribute to kidney disease – thus initiating a “vicious cycle” where the damaged kidneys increase the accumulation of fluoride, causing in turn further damage to the […]

  • Hypersensitive Reactions to Topical Fluorides

    Ever since fluoride toothpastes were introduced in the mid 1950s, studies in the scientific literature have documented adverse skin reactions from the use of topical fluoride products such as toothpaste. These skin reactions include: perioral dermatitis, stomatitis, and urticaria. Although many dermatologists now consider fluoride toothpaste to be a common cause of perioral dermatitis, the dental community has remained conspicuously silent on […]

  • Fluoride Affects Learning & Memory in Animals

    An association between elevated fluoride exposure and reduced intelligence has now been observed in 65 IQ studies. Although a link between fluoride and intelligence might initially seem surprising or random, it is actually consistent with a large body of animal research. This animal research includes the following 45 studies (out of over 70 studies) where […]

  • Fluoride Is Not an Essential Nutrient

    In the 1950s, dentists believed that fluoride was a “nutrient.” A nutrient is a vitamin or mineral that is necessary for good health. Dentists believed that fluoride ingestion during childhood was necessary for strong, healthy teeth. A “fluoride deficiency” was thus believed to cause cavities, just like a deficiency of calcium can cause osteoporosis, or a deficiency […]

  • Fluoride Toothpaste: A Cause of Perioral Dermatitis

    We have gathered clinical and historical data implicating fluoride dentrifices as an important etiologic factor in this dermatosis. The following two cases support this observation.

  • Fluoride’s Effect on the Male Reproductive System — In Vitro Studies

    Carefully controlled in vitro studies have found that direct exposure of fluoride to the testes or semen inhibits testosterone production and damages sperm. While researchers have known since the 1930s that mega concentrations of fluoride can completely (but reversibly) immobilize sperm, it was not until the 1970s and 1980s that researchers found that relatively modest concentrations of fluoride could cause damage prior to complete immobilization.

  • BBC: Male infertility ‘is increasing’

    Infertility may be becoming more of a man’s than a woman’s problem, new figures suggest. A number of factors including declining sperm quality due to environmental toxins may be involved.

  • Toothpaste label revs up some anxiety

    Words like “poison” and “do not swallow” do not belong on the label of anything you put in your mouth even once a day. But there they were, on my Arm & Hammer, on a tube of Colgate in my travel case, on my husband’s “natural” Tom’s of Maine. When I visited my local drugstore, I found similar words — including the P word — on every brand I checked.

  • The Relationship Between Fluoride Exposure & Goitre in South Africa

    As a general rule simple goitre, irrespective of the cause, can be very, or fairly, satisfactorily combated by an adequate increase in man’s daily iodine intake, except when the enlargement of the gland is due to the ingestion of excessive amounts of fluorine. The only correct solution to fluorine-induced endemic goitre is the removal of this element from the drinking water.

  • Fluoride: Top 10 Scientific Developments of 2007

    2007 was yet another important year in fluoride research, with studies not only questioning long-held views about fluoride’s benefits, but raising new concerns about its impact on human health. To give an indication of this recent research, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has selected the “Top 10” scientific developments of the year. They are as follows: