
The cytotoxic effects of sodium fluoride (NaF) on hamster V79 cells and human EUE cells were studied by measuring the cloning efficiency and DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in cells cultured in the presence of NaF. Potential mutagenicity of NaF was followed on the basis of induced 6-thioguanine-resistant mutants in treated Chinese hamster V79 cells. The results showed that the addition of 10-150 micrograms of NaF per ml of culture medium induced 10-75% cytotoxic effect on hamster V79 cells but had no toxic effect on human EUE cells. NaF was cytotoxic to human EUE cells at considerably higher concentrations (200-600 micrograms/ml). Growth of both cell types with 100 and 200 micrograms of NaF per ml caused inhibition of 14C-thymidine, 14C-uridine and 14C-L-leucine incorporation. This means that NaF inhibits macromolecular synthesis whereby damaging effects were less drastic in human EUE cells. The results of detailed mutagenicity testing on hamster V79 cells showed that NaF did not show any mutagenic effect after long-term (24-h) incubation of hamster cells in the presence of 10-400 micrograms of NaF per ml of culture medium.