Showing 191 to 200 of 793 Search Results:
Trends of SHBG and ABP levels in male farmers: Influences of environmental fluoride exposure and ESR alpha gene polymorphisms.
An N, Zhu J, Ren L, Liu X, Zhou T, Huang H, Sun L, Ding Z, Li Z, Cheng X, Ba Y.
Journal Name: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Publish Date: January 21, 2019
Volume/Page: 172:40-44.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Reproductive Toxicity, Susceptible Populations, Genetics
[Biological exposure limits caused by co exposure to fluoride and arsenic based on Wnt signaling pathway].
Zeng QB, Xu YY, Tu CL, Yu X, Yang J, Hong F.
Journal Name: Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao (The Journal of Applied Ecology)
Language: Article in Chinese
Publish Date: January 20, 2019
Volume/Page: 30(1):37-42. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201901.023.
Type: Other
Categories: Mechanisms of Cellular Toxicity, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Total Body Burden, Daily Intake Estimations, Sources of Exposure, Tissue F Levels, Arsenic, Urine-F, DKK-1, WNT signaling
Economic evaluation of an expanded caries-preventive program targeting toddlers in high-risk areas in Sweden.
Anderson M, Davidson T, Dahllöf G, Grindefjord M.
Journal Name: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Publish Date: January 14, 2019
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Age, Caries-preventive program
Prenatal Oral Health Care and Early Childhood Caries Prevention: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Xiao J, Alkhers N, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Billings RJ, Wu TT, Castillo DA, Rasubala L, Malmstrom H, Ren Y, Eliav E.
Journal Name: Caries Research
Publish Date: January 10, 2019
Volume/Page: 1-11.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Susceptible Populations, Total Body Burden, Sources of Exposure, Fluoride Supplements, Caries-preventive program, mother-offspring, Pregnant women, Systematic review
When less is more: a comparison of models to predict fluoride accumulation in free-ranging kangaroos.
Death CE, Coulson G, Hufschmid J, Morris WK, Gould J, Stevenson M.
Journal Name: Science of The Total Environment
Publish Date: January 2019
Volume/Page: 2019 April; 660:531-540.
Type: Animal Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Susceptible Populations, Chemical Co-Exposures, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Aluminum, Bone-F
A comparative study of dental fluorosis and non-skeletal manifestations of fluorosis in areas with different water fluoride concentrations in rural Kolar.
Shruthi MN, Anil NS.
Journal Name: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Publish Date: Nov-Dec 2018
Volume/Page: 7(6):1222-1228.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Skeletal Fluorosis, Dental Fluorosis, Susceptible Populations, Age
Evaluation of genetic polymorphisms in MMP2, MMP9 and MMP20 in Brazilian children with dental fluorosis.
Romualdo PC, Pucinelli CM, Tannure PN, Nelson-Filho P, Segato RAB, Brancher JA, Magalhães NL, Costa MC, Antunes LAA, Antunes LS, Buzalaf MAR, Charone S, Küchler EC.
Journal Name: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
Publish Date: December 21, 2018
Volume/Page: 66:104-108.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, DF Mechanisms, Susceptible Populations, Genetics
Fluoride-induced developmental disorders and iodine deficiency disorders as examples of developmental disorders due to disturbed thyroid hormone metabolism.
Bruce Spittle, Editor-in-Chief
Journal Name: Fluoride | Editorial
Publish Date: October-December 2018
Volume/Page: 51(4):307–318
Type: Review
Categories: Brain, Cognitive Function, Susceptible Populations, Nutritional Status, Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Hormones, Iodine, Pregnant women
Evaluation of vascular and kidney injury biomarkers in Mexican children exposed to inorganic fluoride.
Jiménez-Córdova MI, González-Horta C, Ayllón-Vergara JC, Arreola-Mendoza L, Aguilar-Madrid G, Villareal-Vega EE, Barrera-Hernández Á, Barbier OC, Del Razo LM.
Journal Name: Environmental Research
Publish Date: October 26, 2018
Volume/Page: 169:220-228.
Type: Human Study
Categories: Dental Fluorosis, Heart, Kidney, Susceptible Populations, Age, Total Body Burden, Tissue F Levels, Urine-F
The clinical significance of incidental soft tissue uptake on whole body 18F-sodium fluoride bone PET-CT.
Usmani S, Gnanasegaran G, Marafi F, Esmail A, Ahmed N, Van den Wyngaert T.
Journal Name: Clinical Radiology
Publish Date: October 16, 2018
Volume/Page: [Epub ahead of print]
Type: Human Study
Categories: Bones/Joints, Susceptible Populations, Total Body Burden