
  • Forum’s recommendations on fluoridation not implemented

    The Forum on Fluoridation has expressed disappointment at the Government’s failure to implement its recommendations. Almost a year ago, the forum issued its report recommending that the level of fluoride in water be reduced from between 0.8-1.0 ppm to between 0.6-0.8 ppm. Yesterday, the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children asked why the recommendations […]

  • Polluted air bad, polluted drinking water good

    On the same day that Health Minister Micheal Martin makes it illegal to smoke in the work-place, he himself is directly responsible for polluting 2 billion gallons of drinking water daily in Ireland’s homes. ” The untested fluoridation chemical that he adds to our drinking water is a pollutant according to the EU’s scientists (1), […]

  • Fluoride – an unproven drug at uncontrolled dosage – Greens

    More news from Health & ChildrenCommenting on the current levels of fluoridation in Irish drinking water and the fact that Ireland is the only country in Europe with a mandatory fluoridation policy. Cllr. Mary White, Green Party Deputy Leader and European Candidate for the East, said today that, “If doctors were able to prescribe to […]

  • Martin defends practice of fluoridating water

    Fluoride is still being added to water supplies in the State, despite 11 local authorities voting against its use amid continuing public concern about its effects on human health and the environment. Last week, the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, strongly defended the practice, in response to a Dail question from the Green Party Leader, […]

  • Teething trouble

    Dr Andrew Rynne wants the State to answer his case. The GP claims that fluoridation of public water supplies — a measure introduced 40 years ago to halt dental decay — negates his personal rights and choices. Dr Rynne, from Clane, Co Kildare, is pursuing a High Court action against the Government and is awaiting […]

  • It’s all a matter of autonomy

    We have to give some credit to dental surgeon Dr Joe Mullen. In an article in this paper (IMN, 5/1/05), he at least addresses the question of personal autonomy when it comes to enforced dosing of the population of Ireland with an unlicensed medication via their drinking water supply. This to me at any rate […]

  • Dentists Demand End to ‘Cancer Risk’ Fluoride in Water

    A GROUP of more than 100 dentists have demanded an end to fluoridation of tap water over cancer fears. Their action came yesterday following a study by the Harvard School of Dental Health which found an increased cancer risk in children. The research has already led to the Environmental Working Group, a Washington research organisation, […]

  • Anonymous Health Department web posting is final admission of fluoridation’s failure

    On 5th May 2005, four and a half years after it was promised, an anonymous and undated response to Dr Connett’s 50 Reasons to oppose fluoridation was posted on the Department of Health’s website under the heading Dental Research. While purporting to be a critical appraisal of the 50 Reasons it is actually an attempt […]

  • ‘Water fluoridation invalidates new EU Medicines Directive in Ireland’

    A prominent environmental group has claimed that water fluoridation in Ireland invalidates a new EU Medicines Directive. “A key EU Directive, 2004/ 27/EC, Medicinal Products for Human Use, which came into force across the EU on October 30, will not be capable of being transposed into Irish law until the Government ends drinking water fluoridation. […]

  • VOICE calls for an end to water fluoridation

    The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products has warned parents to supervise their children to prevent them swallowing fluoride from toothpaste or other oral hygiene products because of the increased risk of dental fluorisis. European advice has indicated that the period of fluoride risk extends from babies to six-year-olds. According to Mr Robert Pocock, […]