
  • Gormley vows to turn tap on water fluoridation

    The fluoridation of drinking water will cease if the Green Party is elected to government, party health spokesman John Gormley has pledged. Mr Gormley said he believed that the Fine Gael spokesman on health, Dr Liam Twomey, would also like to see an end to fluoridation. “I am hopeful I can get support for its […]

  • Why fluoridation must end now

    Shortly before the 2001 Value For Money report identified the health service’s critical weakness in policy assessment, one of Ireland’s most sacred health policies, water fluoridation, came under its first intense public questioning. The health minister did not engage with the questioners directly, but initiated instead an official departmental response that did not adequately scrutinise […]

  • ‘Decay levels low due to fluoride’

    WITHOUT WATER fluoridation, Ireland would have levels of dental decay as high as those of eastern Europe, according to a Cork researcher, who is regarded as one of the world experts in the field of oral health. Prof Helen Whelton, director of the Oral Health Services Research Centre, UCC, has said that while tooth decay […]

  • Kathy Sinnott calls on the Government to cease fluoridating Irish drinking water

    Kathy Sinnott, MEP for Ireland South and Member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, and Dr Vyvyan Howard recently met with the European Commission’s Public Health and Consumer Protection directorate on the dangers to human health posed by water fluoridation in Ireland. Dr. Howard, of the University of Ulster, is a fetal […]

  • Fluoride in our Water: Are We Brushing with Danger?  

    There’s a growing amount of evidence linking fluoride to cancer, osteoporosis and genetic damage. Most governments in Europe have banned it, yet Ireland continues to add tooth-preserving acid to the public water supply. Gemma O’Doherty reports Water fluoridation was once hailed as the saviour of our children’s teeth. But since it was introduced four decades […]

  • Water Fluoridation Forum is Biased

    THE high powered forum set up by Health Minister, Micheál Martin, to review the fluoridation of public water supplies is made up mainly of pro fluoridation people, it was claimed yesterday. Dentist Don McAuley, spokesman for the Fluoride Free Water Campaign, also said his group, which staged a protest march to the Dáil on May […]

  • There’s something in the water

    DESPITE a Europe wide ban on the use of fluoride in public water supplies, the Government is still convinced that fluoridation should continue as a means of preventing tooth decay. It was introduced here in 1963, and the Department of Health says dental decay rates have been reduced by 70% in the meantime. Over the […]

  • Sinnott to speak in Limerick tonight on water quality

    INDEPENDENT MEP Kathy Sinnott is set to speak about the “cumulative poison” being added to Irish tap water at a public meeting in the city this Monday night. Ms Sinnott, who represents the south of Ireland in the European Parliament, is a long time opponent to the use of fluoride in public water supplies. “As […]

  • Huge health risk in Limerick water, claims MEP

    PEOPLE across Limerick are facing huge health risks every time they sip a glass of water, according to Independent MEP Kathy Sinnott. After chairing a meeting in the city this week, Ms Sinnott, who represents Limerick and the South of Ireland in the European Parliament, has called for a full investigation into Ireland’s policy over […]

  • Ireland Might Relax Fluoride Rules

    The Republic of Ireland is to consider relaxing laws that require the fluoridation of all drinking water amid mounting controversy over the alleged health risks of the practice. Michael Martin, the Irish health minister, has appointed a committee of environmental and health specialists to examine the evidence on fluoridation and advise on any need for […]