
  • Fluoridation: medication via the water supply

    To have better behaved citizens we could legislate putting Valium in the town water supply, or aspirin and cholesterol drugs to reduce heart attacks, and hormones to regulate birth control. Not a silly idea? Of course it is! It violates Nuremberg laws as well as basic individual freedom to choose. So why is it that […]

  • Fluoridation – claims and counterclaims

    1. Does it work? CLAIM: “Fluoridation does not improve dental health – that is the finding of all large-scale studies.” – Fluoride Action Network NZ (FANNZ) COUNTERCLAIM: “Community water supplies with optimum fluoride levels between 0.7 and 1ppm have consistently been shown to achieve about a 15% reduction in dental decay . . .” – […]

  • Hamilton: Fluoride foes set for new battle

    A group of Hamilton city councillors are pushing for the removal of fluoride from the city’s water this time without a referendum. Three years after the city agreed in a public poll to keep fluoridation, a surprise move at a council meeting this week has put the issue back on the agenda. At Wednesday’s long-term […]

  • Anti-fluoride action grows

    Campaigners signalled the start of a renewed bid to rid Hamilton of water fluoridation yesterday by hanging a banner from the Totara Dr overbridge in Te Rapa. The banner visible to thousands of Wairere Dr motorists was hung by members of a group called Health Freedom New Zealand. A Waikato branch spokeswoman, Robyn Hembry, acknowledged […]

  • Kapiti residents start anti-fluoridation petition

    A group of concerned Kapiti residents have chosen to start a petition to ask the Kapiti District Council to stop the fluoridation of Raumati, Paraparaumu and Waikanae. “Fluoridation has got to stop. It is harmful to health and a violation of human rights” says Daniela D-Ronberg, spokesperson for the newly-formed Kapiti Fluoridation-free Campaign “I am […]

  • Hastings: Fluoride debate flares up

    Hastings could head to a referendum to decide whether it should continue dosing its district water supply with fluoride. The possibility of a referendum was prompted after differing opinions at the Hastings District Council’s annual plan hearing, over the health benefits and impacts of continuing to mix the chemical into our water. The last referendum […]

  • Hastings: Concern for babies sees reduction in fluoride

    Levels of fluoride in Hastings tap water are to be reduced after a European Union health study found high levels of fluoridated water were risky for babies under 6 months old. According to the European Union’s Scientific Commission on Health and Environmental Risks, infants’ milk formula should not be made with water that had a […]

  • Fluoride levels ‘too high’ for bottle-fed babies

    Fluoride levels in some New Zealand districts are too high for bottle-fed babies, according to figures from the European Commission. Infants’ milk formula should not be mixed with water fluoridated at a level higher than 0.8 milligrams per litre of water, the commission’s scientific committee on health and environmental risks said. Its report said over-exposure […]

  • Auckland: Super city candidate wants fluoridation poll

    A candidate for the Auckland mayoralty says there should be a binding referendum on whether to remove fluoride from the water supply. Colin Craig says evidence is growing which suggests fluoride causes health damage, so he says Auckland should follow the European approach and remove it. The Auckland District Health board, which supports fluoridation, says […]

  • New Plymouth: Group urges end to fluoridation

    Supporters backing the removal of fluoride from New Plymouth’s drinking water are preparing for a long fight. The Fluoride Action Network of New Zealand (FANNZ) was in the city last night drumming up more support to end what they say is the unsafe addition of a toxic substance into our water. FANNZ spokeswoman Mary Byrne […]