
  • Leading water fluoridation expert Prof Paul Connett to tour New Zealand

    Professor Paul Connett, Director of the international Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and executive director the American Environmental Health Studies Project (AEHSP), will be speaking throughout New Zealand about the public health risks of fluoridated water. Prof Connett’s tour will include a presentation to the Ministry of Health, a meeting with Green MP Sue Kedgley, a […]

  • Anti-fluoride activist sees ‘religious crusade’

    Health officials backing fluoridation have squared off against a visiting professor who compared their message to “a religious crusade”. More than 60 people gathered at the Hastings District Council chambers yesterday for a workshop in response to a petition received by the council last month in which 250 people requested that the council reconsider its […]

  • Response to Current New Zealand Fluoridation Promotion

    Recent media coverage about an alleged dramatic increase in dental decay amongst children being the result of lack of fluoride fails to take into account several factors which, we feel, are important. The New Zealand Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, a professional body of dentists and physicians affiliated with the International Academy of Oral […]

  • Plan to dose tap water with fluoride

    The Department of Health is back from the drawing board, determined to force all big towns and cities to dose their drinking water with fluoride. And while government dentists believe the move is necessary to protect children’s teeth, the international scientific community remains sharply divided about the potential for long-term harm to elderly people, the […]

  • Nuclear plant to supply fluoride for water

    The nuclear energy establishment wants to cash in on South Africa’s controversial chemical “tooth medicine” plan, writes TONY CARNIE THE Pelindaba nuclear/chemical complex – set up by the apartheid government in the 1960s to produce atomic bombs and enriched uranium fuel – is set to become the major supplier of hundreds of tons of fluoride […]

  • Unprofessional activity in South Africa

    Dear All, One of the emails waiting for me on my return from my trip to Australia and Japan was a press release issued jointly by the Dental Association of South Africa and the the South African Medical Association, calling on the public to support water fluoridation. It would appear that “professionals” in South Africa […]

  • Support for South Africa’s fluoride proposal

    Cape Town, Aug 19, 2002 (Cape Argus/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) — THE South African medical and dental establishment has come out in support of the government’s compulsory water fluoridation plan, despite widespread concern that the chemical poses serious health risks. Responding to a spate of recent media reports on the fluoride controversy, the […]

  • Chronic renal failure in NCP and arsenic: Science versus myth

    The media recently highlighted the claims by a group of Kelaniya University scientists and others that arsenic in pesticides was the factor responsible for chronic renal failure or chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDU) in the North-Central Province. This disease was first detected by Dr. Tilak Abeyesekera, Consultant Nephrologist who was at that time […]

  • ‘Fluoride is poisoning Ulster’s children’

    THOUSANDS of children could be at risk from a fluoride ‘rinsing’ programme introduced in schools three years ago, a leading environmental campaigner has warned. And Walter Graham has now demanded a meeting with Education Minister Martin McGuinness and Health Minister Bairbre de Brun to discuss the implications of devastating new findings. The scientific study, conducted […]

  • Greens bare teeth over fluoridation ‘through back door’ fears

    STORMONT Health Minister, Angela Smith, is at the centre of a row over claims fluoridation could be reintroduced in Ulster. Environmentalists and consumer groups, who argue that fluoridated water has links to cancer, Down’s syndrome, and brittle bones, have accused the Government of having a “hidden agenda” on the controversy. Fluoridation was abandoned here, in […]