
  • Southampton/Hampshire: How a fluoride referendum would work

    IT’S not often us Brits get asked what we really think. We get to vote in national, local and European elections every few years, and in the meantime our views might be gathered for an opinion poll or focus group. But rarely are we given the chance to put our cross in a box on […]

  • Sheffield: Council defends fluoride in milk

    COUNCIL officers and health chiefs have defended the introduction of fluoridated milk into 36 Sheffield primary schools. The strategy has been criticised by some parents and anti-fluoride campaigners, concerned that the chemical is added into a basic children’s foodstuff. One mum told The Star: “I was shocked when I received a letter from the junior […]

  • Bristol: Campaign Launches to Fight Fluoride Plans

    Worried Bristolians are meeting tonight to fight plans for the enforced fluoridation of the water supply to every home in the city. A feasibility study by NHS South West has already begun at the request of health trusts in the Avon area which, if deemed appropriate, can be pushed through thanks to new legislation that […]

  • Parliamentary debate on fluoridation

    Excerpts from pages at and Mike O’Brien [The Minister of State, Department of Health] [North Warwickshire, Labour] If we really want to deal with the issues associated with child tooth decay, we will find that the better way to do so is to ensure that we have fluoridated water supplies and that we […]

  • Gloucestershire: Stroud public gears up to oppose fluoridation

    A straw poll of local opinion, taken on the streets of Stroud in advance of the AGM of the Stroud and District Safe Water Campaign earlier this month (October) found 90 totally opposed to the threatened introduction of mass medication caused by the addition of fluoride to the total water supply in Gloucestershire… and just […]

  • Fluoridation findings set teeth gnashing

    How you feel about a hell-fire preacher being caught with his trousers down depends on whether you are a member of his church. For the faithful it’s shocking, for outsiders maybe merely amusing. The sight of doctors refusing to take their own medicine evokes similar emotions, which is why health campaigner Edward Baldwin (the Earl […]

  • Southampton: Hampshire campaigners say adding chemical is ‘illegal’

    CAMPAIGNERS have lodged a new bid to have fluoride banned from Southampton’s tap water because it is not licensed as a medicine. Calls have been made for the body responsible for regulating health products to be censured for allegedly breaking the law by not testing the chemicals involved for safety. Hampshire MEP Caroline Lucas and […]

  • Southampton: Test chemicals in fluoride, demand protester

    The anti-fluoride lobby is calling for fluoride to be licensed as a medicine in another bid to ban it from the nation’s tap water. Campaigners have lodged this latest complaint while they await the outcome of a judicial review on adding fluoride to tap water in Southampton, prompted by a resident who was against the […]

  • Fair, free and effective: Green Party proposals for the dental health service

    Tomorrow, the Green Party will launch a dental health policy which the Greens believe will enjoy widespread public support and boost the party’s hopes of a general election breakthrough. The Greens are committed to the founding principles of the NHS – including free dental healthcare, which they say could be provided for an extra £1.8 […]

  • Fluoridation Scaremonger by vice chairman of the British Fluoridation Society

    DESPITE the scaremongering from your In My View correspondent Joy Warren, the best available scientific evidence worldwide tells us that water fluoridation reduces tooth decay effectively and safely. The York report found that, on average, children in fluoridated areas have 2.25 fewer teeth decayed, missing and filled than those in non-fluoridated areas. This represents about […]