
  • Is the fluoride in our water really good for our teeth?

    The Government wants 40 per cent of England’s water supply to be fluoridated to reduce high levels of tooth decay. But its critics say it has been linked to conditions such as hypothyrodism (underactive thyroid gland). Here we explain what you should know. Q: What is fluoride? A: A naturally occurring mineral found in water […]

  • Southampton: Fluoride experts give their views

    They are two men from the same profession who have advised governments on dental policy, but with wildly differing views on adding fluoride to our water. Here they give their reasons for and against. Dr Paul Connett is the director of Fluoride Action Network and a retired professor of chemistry at St Lawrence University in […]

  • Southampton: Why should fluoridation be opposed?

    “The majority of scientists across the world oppose water fluoridation with 98 per cent of Europeans not drinking fluoridated water. For instance, the Netherlands have banned anyone from ever fluoridating their drinking water. “Scientists have looked into the arguments and decided that fluoride is a dangerous toxin. “Back in Southampton, contrary to the scare stories, […]

  • Southampton: Divided by fluoride

    DEPENDING on who you listen to, fluoride is either a poison or a tried-and-tested cure for an entirely preventable disease. In Southampton, health chiefs want to add it to the water supply of two-thirds of the city’s residents in a bid to improve chronic dental health, particularly in more deprived areas. They say the increasingly […]

  • East Lancs health chief backs fluoridation plans

    EAST Lancashire’s leading public health expert has backed proposals to add fluoride to the region’s drinking water. Dr Ellis Friedman, director of public health for NHS East Lancashire, said it would be unethical not to add the controversial mineral to supplies, as it had been shown as the most effective way of dramatically improving dental […]

  • Riding the fluoride tiger

    What possible good can come from adding a known poison to our water supply? None at all, argues John Graham Secretary of State for Health Alan Johnson announced in February that the Department of Health (DoH) would, over the next three years, make £42 million available to Strategic Health Authorities in England and Wales for […]

  • Revealed: How health chiefs plan to put fluoride in half our water supply to halt tooth decay

    Nearly half our drinking water could have fluoride added to it under a ‘secret’ Government plan. Dental health chiefs want to add the chemical to 40 per cent of England’s water supply to combat high levels of tooth decay. But critics said the ‘mass medication’ of water without the population’s consent was an invasion of […]

  • Wales: Rhodri backs brushing off the VAT on fluoride toothpaste

    A WELSH campaign to scrap VAT on fluoride toothpaste has won the backing of First Minister Rhodri Morgan. It is hoped that the Welsh Assembly Government will now put pressure on Chancellor Alistair Darling to remove the 17.5% tax. Campaigners believe that making fluoride toothpaste cheaper – even if by only a few pence – […]

  • Southampton – Fluoride: You decide

    HEALTH CHIEFS are today one step closer to adding fluoride to Southampton’s tap water supply. They have agreed to launch a £178,000 three-month public consultation into the controversial plan. Those supporting the scheme say that it could be the solution to the city’s poor dental health record. But campaigners have vowed to fight the plan […]

  • London Greens Will Fight Fluoridation

    Darren Johnson, Green Party candidate for London mayor, says he will fight the Government’s plans to add fluoride to London’s water every step of the way. Until now, water authorities have only added fluoride at the recommendation of health authorities but the Government intends to change the law to force them to do so. Frank […]