
  • Tamworth: Online group set up in water fluoride fight

    CLAIMS that too much fluoride in the water supply could leave Tamworth people with weak bones have been ignored by councillors. At a meeting of the health and wellbeing scrutiny committee this week, members were called upon to review the issue but returned a majority vote against it. The plea came from Councillor Chris Cooke, […]

  • Southampton: Go-ahead for fluoride in tap water

    Renewed efforts to add fluoride to tap water across the UK are likely after the high court gave the go-ahead for the NHS in Southampton to do so. The court rejected a complaint by Southampton resident Geraldine Milner that the South Central strategic health authority’s plans to fluoridate the city’s water supply broke the law. […]

  • Coventry: Protesters hold public meeting over fluoride in water

    PROTESTERS are mounting a fight against adding fluoride to the water supply. A public meeting has been called tonight in Coventry to debate the issue after a petition with nearly 300 signatures was handed to the city council. Joy Warren, a member of Coventry Friends of the Earth, is spearheading the campaign and wants to […]

  • Children from poor areas twice as likely to need dental treatment

    Nearly 30,000 children a year attend hospital to have teeth pulled or be treated for decay, research has shown. Researchers who analysed hospital data said it was “worrying” that the number of under-17s hospitalised for dental treatment had been rising since 1997. They found children from poor areas were twice as likely to need treatment […]

  • Fluoride: Are Opinions Changing?

    Andrew Rynne, a general medical practitioner from County Kildare, has mounted a legal challenge to the Irish government over its fluoridation policy. Here, DERRICK GARWOOD BDS reports from a fluoride awareness day in Coventry where Dr Rynne explained why he thinks his chances of success are very good … DR VYVYAN Howard, a toxicopathologist from […]

  • Green Party to Mount Challenge Against Fluoridation of School Milk

    Green peer Lord Beaumont of Whitley is to lead a House of Lords debate on the allegedly “misleading, biased and scientifically questionable” information being given to parents of some British primary school children regarding fluoridated school milk. An incisive Green Party briefing entitled “Dental milk” and truth decay, to be issued this week, finds severe […]

  • The Compound Problems of Fluoride

    Erupting volcanoes are an impressive but deadly force. Apart from blasting out tonnes of ash, rock and lava, volcanoes release clouds of poisonous gases into the atmosphere. One of the most dangerous is hydrogen fluoride. It promotes acid rain and attaches to ash particles, polluting grass and streams. Some volcanic eruptions, particularly in Iceland, have […]

  • Juneau: Task force delivers mixed verdict on fluoridation

    The Juneau Assembly won’t get a clear recommendation on whether to continue fluoridating municipal water from a task force appointed in 2004. The Juneau Fluoride Study Commission turned in its final report Tuesday, with three members recommending the city’s fluoridation continue and three members recommending it stop. “Every place you look, you need more study,” […]

  • Juneau nixes fluoridation

    After contentious public debate, the Juneau Assembly voted down Monday a proposal to continue fluoridating the city’s water supply. The proposal failed narrowly in a 4-5 vote against the procedure. Assembly member Sara Chambers was one of those who was against fluoridation. “Beyond the medical concerns is a philosophical opposition (to) government mass medication. I […]

  • Juneau: Free thinkers abandon fluoride in water

    When it comes to water quality, the people of Juneau are among the most informed in the state. In October, capital city residents voted to ban fluoride from their water supply. Clean-water voters succeeded (61 percent to 37 percent) despite the American Dental Association spending $164,000 to promote the mass-medication scheme. The group advocating to […]