
  • Bennington Select Board to form panel to study dental health

    BENNINGTON — A committee of “prominent impartial citizens” created by the Select Board will study dental needs and possible solutions in Bennington. The board voted unanimously on Tuesday night to create the committee and to undertake a survey of the dental problems among school children and the elderly. The committee will be composed of impartial, […]

  • Forget Fluoridation

    ‘Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?” asks General Jack D. Ripper, the character in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 movie, “Dr. Strangelove.” “On no account will a commie ever drink water, and not without good reason.” There was a time when fear of […]

  • Health dangers of fluoride to be conference topic

    CORNWALL ISLAND – F. Henry Lickers remembers the once-thriving cattle herds in Mohawk country and how fluoride fumes from nearby metal factories weakened their bones, decayed their teeth and wiped them out. Almost 30 years have passed since the toxic gas began pumping out of aluminum smelters in Massena. And while Reynolds Metals Co., now […]

  • Plattsburgh: Don’t let facts get in the way

    TO THE EDITOR: This letter is in response to the Jan. 28 editorial “Don’t Halt Fluoridation.” This poorly researched and worded article would be amusing to me if it had not such serious consequences for all denizens of Plattsburgh. After reading it I was reminded of a famous Einstein quote: “Condemnation without investigation is the […]

  • Plattsburgh: Is fluoride a choice?

    “I don’t want the government putting anything into my water, unless its scotch,” said a concerned community resident at the Plattsburgh City Common Council meeting last Thursday in regards to whether or not the city should continue to have fluoride in their water. The decision to fluoridate public water rests with the city, although it […]

  • Potsdam: Connett Raising Fluoride Awareness

    CANTON – He has spent 14 years fighting fluoride, but Paul H. Connett thinks next year might be his break-through year. The professor emeritus of chemistry at St. Lawrence University recently published a book, “The Case against Fluoride,” and has spent most of this fall traveling around the globe promoting it. Mr. Connett has espoused […]

  • NYC. Vallone: Better safe than sorry

    Astoria: Re “Something in the water” (editorial, Dec. 29): There is a growing body of evidence that fluoride does more harm than good. One need only do a modicum of research to find many anti-fluoride studies. Most recently, a study published by the National Institute of Environmental Health linked fluoride in water – at levels […]

  • NYC. Vallone: Fluoride – If In Doubt, Keep It Out

    Did you know that the government is putting toxic chemicals in our water which come from the scrubbing systems of the fertilizer industry and are classified as “hazardous wastes” (sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid). Are you concerned? You should be. Unfortunately, when these chemicals are called “fluoride,” safety concerns go down the drain. There is […]

  • Chemistry professor advises Oneida not to fluoridate

    ONEIDA – Paul Connett, a professor of chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, will speak to the Oneida Common Council about public water fluoridation, a measure which he calls both useless and dangerous to the health of city residents. Connett, who teaches general chemistry and toxicology at St. Lawrence University, has researched the issues […]

  • Professor outlines risks of fluoridation

    The risks of fluoridating Oneida’s water supply greatly exceed the benefits, St. Lawrence University chemistry professor Paul Connett told an audience of about 50 people at City Hall Thursday. Connett said he has conducted hundreds of anti-fluoride presentations across the country and in Europe. He brought with him a handful of studies that examined fluoridated […]