
  • Fear of Fluoride

    Have you read the fine print on your toothpaste tube recently? Check it out. If your toothpaste contains fluoride — which nearly every brand in the United States does — there’s a consumer advisory message that might surprise and alarm you, especially if you’re the parent of young children. The advisory, which began appearing on […]

  • Water fights

    For eons now, liberals have teased conservatives about one thing (well, many things, but I’m thinking of one in particular): the fluoridation of water. “Oh, you work at NATIONAL REVIEW? What do you do, write editorials denouncing the fluoridation of the water supply?” Ha, ha, ha. (Actually, we spend our time advocating separate lunch counters […]

  • UPI Investigates: The vaccine conflict

    WASHINGTON, July 20 (UPI) — The screaming started four hours after 8-month-old Chaise Irons received a vaccination against rotavirus, recommended in June 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for every infant to prevent serious diarrhea. Within a day he was vomiting and eliminating blood. Doctors performed emergency surgery, saving him by repairing […]

  • Fluoride Concerns Surface Once Again

    Despite decades of adding fluoride to drinking water to protect teeth from decay, there are growing concerns about the efficacy and the safety of this practice. Spurred by new research on fluoride’s health effects and at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Academies’ National Research Council (NRC) has begun another review of […]

  • Dr. John Lee

    Dear All, I have to share the very sad news that Dr. John Lee, a very important voice on fluoridation and other health issues, has passed away. I received the news as I was about to board a plane, on route to Palo Alto, one of the many communities in California (and beyond) which he […]

  • Toothpaste label revs up some anxiety

    I don’t know why, or why I hadn’t before, but the other day I read the back of my wrinkly tube of toothpaste. As if I don’t already suffer enough anxiety, I found these words: “Do not swallow.” Nearby was a warning to keep the tube away from children under 6. It got worse: “If […]

  • Deadly Immunity

    In June 2000, a group of top government scientists and health officials gathered for a meeting at the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Ga. Convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the meeting was held at this Methodist retreat center, nestled in wooded farmland next to the Chattahoochee River, to ensure complete […]

  • EPA unions call for halt to water fluoridation

    A study that allegedly showed a link between fluoride in drinking water and bone cancer in male children has triggered a renewed call for a moratorium on fluoridation. Eleven unions representing about 7,000 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 12,000 unionized employees sent letters to a key congressional committee calling for the moratorium pending a […]

  • Not in My Water Supply

    Somebody put a dead rat in Curtis Smith’s mailbox. Someone else has made anonymous phone calls accusing him of trying to poison his neighbors. And all around the usually placid university town of Bellingham, Wash., activists from a group called Citizens Against Forced Fluoride have planted lawn signs adorned with skull and crossbones. “I had […]

  • Sweet solution to fighting cavities

    Here’s a sweet idea: a cavity-fighting candy. A recent discovery in dental care could soon make it possible. Researchers at Stony Brook University have found a new way to fight tooth decay by mimicking the powerful re-mineralizing benefits of saliva, long known to naturally protect teeth from harmful, cavity-causing bacteria. A two-year study in the […]