
  • Fluoride flaws

    The government is poised to reignite one of the most vexed medical issues of the past 50 years. Early next month, parliament will debate clauses of the water bill which will give indemnity against legal action to water companies that add fluoride to their supplies, paving the way for the extension of fluoridation schemes throughout […]

  • Hard to swallow

    Two weeks ago it emerged that Mr Blair is backing secret moves to force water companies to fluoridate drinking water, whether the industry likes it or not. In other words, he is proposing to mass medicate the people of this country. This is not – as you might imagine – to prevent some terrible, crushing […]

  • Water Fluoridation: Drug on tap

    Cabinet papers leaked to The Sunday Times early in May revealed government plans to fluoridate drinking water in England and Wales. The reason given for this move is that it would reduce tooth decay among children in ‘deprived’ areas. Until now it has been up to the water companies to decide whether to add fluoride […]

  • Greens warn on water fluoridation

    A proposal to fluoridate Britain’s drinking water would violate the European Convention on Human Rights, the Green Party has warned. In a report entitled "Truth Decay: Challenging New Labour’s propaganda on water fluoridation", the party argues the move would medicate consumers without their consent. The warning comes ahead of a parliamentary vote on the controversial […]

  • Fluoridation Controversy Heats Up in England

    A Leading West scientist is heading a nationwide campaign to block Government plans to add potentially harmful chemicals to the country’s water supplies, it was revealed last night. Chemist Dr Jenny Duckworth says the health of the nation could be put at risk if companies are allowed to press ahead with plans to add fluoride […]

  • PR rot continues in UK

    Almost predictably the British Dental Association released its PR salvo today – leaving little time for response, before the crucial vote in the House of Commons on Monday (September 8). The BDA distributed what they characterized as a “league of shame” of tooth decay in unfluoridated communities, which they claim sharply differs from tooth decay […]

  • Right to be angry about poison in the water

    People are right to be angry about plans to fluoridate water supplies (News, last week). Under the European Convention on Human Rights and Medicine, a patient must give consent to medication, and be free to withdraw consent at any time. Fluoridation destroys that right. Evidence around the world suggests fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay, […]

  • London Mayor calls for independent study of fluoride’s health impacts

    Greens welcomed the statement from London Mayor Ken Livingstone stressing the urgent need for an independent study of the full health impacts of adding fluoride to water in areas such as London. Following probing by Greens on the London Assembly, Livingstone said he would support GLA funding for such a study. He also backed a […]

  • Drinking problems

    Fluoridation, despite being hailed by the dental and medical professions as the “magic bullet”‚ in its arsenal in the fight against tooth decay, continues to be one of the most controversial medical issues of the past 50 years. Since the first UK fluoridation schemes were introduced in the 1960s, the documented dental benefits have been […]

  • Shock tactics in fluoride fight

    An image of a five-year-old child’s rotting teeth is being used in an effort to build up support for adding fluoride to tap water. The British Dental Association (BDA) has designed a postcard comparing the teeth of a five-year-old from Manchester, where fluoride is not put in water, with a child from Birmingham, where it […]