
  • Petition comes out against fluoridation

    Hundreds of people have backed a campaign in Shropshire to fight moves to put fluoride in the water supply. Whixall Women’s Institute has been concerned about the health implications and had launched a protest against the proposals. A petition was launched to support the cause and two Women’s Institute members took on the tough challenge […]

  • Shadow Minister for Environment Opposed to Forced Medication

    DESPITE Government concessions to opponents of water fluoridation, Leominster MP Bill Wiggin has expressed concern that measures do not go far enough to prevent “forced medication” of the public. Mr Wiggin, Shadow Minister for the Environment, won a victory over the details of water fluoridation in Clause 61 of the Water Bill, as the Government […]

  • Rebels fail to block fluoridation of water

    Households throughout England and Wales could receive a dose of fluoride when they turn on the tap after the Government pushed through a measure to improve the teeth of children who do not have healthy diets. Ministers steered through a change in the law to make it easier to medicate drinking water and force water […]

  • Bolton fluoride debate at a climax

    RESIDENTS across the borough would cut off their water in protest if fluoride is added to Bolton’s drinking supplies it was claimed today. Alex Hastings of the National Pure Water Association warned that she and many others would rather live off bottled water than drink treated tap water. Her claims came as MPs were preparing […]

  • Commentary on fluoride in The Times

    WE ALL want that ring of confidence, but at what price? Celebrities spend fortunes on straighter, whiter teeth. Now our Government wants to improve everyone’s molars by fluoridating the water supply. If public health officials think aesthetics are now as important as health, they may find that human rights lawyers disagree. The drive to fluoridate […]

  • Truth Decay – stop mass fluoridation of water

    To highlight to the public the dangers of fluoridation in water, Jean Lambert MEP will be visting Barnet this Saturday . Jean will be joined by Noel Lynch, Green London Assembly Member and Miranda Dunn, Green London Assembly candidate for Barnet and Camden. They will be supporting Ashley Gunstock, actor and Green Party candidate for […]

  • Hands off our water

    SOUTH Yorkshire pensioner Elizabeth McDonagh is dedicating her golden years to making sure tap water in God’s own county remains heavenly pure. With water companies across the country starting to add fluoride to the supply, the Doncaster 70-year-old fears it’s only a matter of time before Yorkshire Water follows suit. While dentists say fluoride is […]

  • Alan Johnson ‘misleading’ over fluoride benefits

    Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, has been accused of overstating the benefits of adding fluoride to water in the fight against dental disease. Tooth decay in children across Europe has fallen irrespective of whether there is fluoride in the water, authors of a report have said. Mr Johnson has called for it to be added […]

  • Green Party: Fluoridation plans are dangerous

    Plans to add fluoride to water in order to improve dental health are dangerous and immoral, the Green party has warned. The group claims there are negative health effects from water fluoridation as well as medical ethical issues. Its comments come in response to the announcement from health secretary Alan Johnson that strategic health authorities […]

  • Chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation: “For our children’s sake”

    IN 1970, one in three people over the age of 16 had no teeth at all. Thankfully, the picture today is very different. Quite rightly, people now have an expectation that their teeth are for life. But what has caused this dramatic improvement in our dental health? The simple answer is fluoride. Fluoride was first […]