
  • Rat Study Reignites Dispute On Fluoride

    A long-smoldering dispute over the safety of fluoridating public water supplies has flared anew, forcing the nation’s top health officials to reevaluate the risks and benefits of using fluorides to reduce tooth decay. The latest review was triggered by a Congressionally mandated study that recently reported evidence that high doses of fluoride may cause cancer […]

  • Water Fluoridation Challenged

    Fluoridation of water, long credited with the large decline in tooth decay in much of the world during recent decades, might actually have played only a minor role, an Australian public health researcher has concluded after reviewing many previous studies. However, an official of the American Dental Association challenged the interpretation, asserting that many studies […]

  • New Fluoride Warning for Infants

    Does your drinking water contain added fluoride? If so, keep it away from infants under the age of one. This directive was issued recently by an unlikely source: the American Dental Association (ADA). In a November 9th email alert sent to all of its members, the ADA noted that “Infants less than one year old […]

  • Fluoride foes wield new clout via Internet

    The small Western Massachusetts towns of South Hadley, Granby, and Ludlow have been like peas in a pod for as long as anyone there can remember. So it was a surprise to South Hadley officials when the other two towns rejected a push earlier this year to add tooth decay-fighting fluoride to their shared water […]

  • Fluoridation Gamble Fails the Test of Time

    • Download this article which includes graphs and cartoons – in pdf format A little history Water fluoridation began in the United States where today approximately 184 million people are currently served by fluoridated water supplies. The practice had it origins in observations made by researchers who were investigating the cause of a strange mottling […]

  • Donella Meadows on Fluoridation

    Back when I was a chemistry major, my professors told me in no uncertain terms that water fluoridation is a boon. It prevents millions of children from getting cavities. People who oppose it are hysterical know-nothings. We budding chemists absorbed both the specific and the general lesson. Fluoride is good. Scientists know best. At just […]

  • Debating Fluoridation

    Feb 15 ? If you dare to take a step into the world of junk science and fanaticism, then begin by taking a stroll to your bathroom and check out your toothpaste. You may be surprised. There likely is a little warning section on the tube that suggests you keep it out of the reach […]

  • Fluoridated Water: Some Say it is Unnecessary

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Countless studies have shown that water fluoridation may prevent tooth decay. However, members of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation believe that the practice may be unnecessary or even harmful. Water fluoridation is a threat to health, a threat to democracy–in the sense of medication without informed consent–and […]

  • Political mischaracterization of fluoridation opposition dismays scientists

    Scientists representing the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) strongly object to recent mischaracterizations of fluoridation opponents by political pundits Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and others in conjunction with Senator Harry Reid’s Nevada re-election campaign. “Fluoridation opposition is science-based and growing,” says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director, who has co-authored the upcoming book, “The Case Against […]

  • Mouth Health: Fluoridated Water, Good or Bad?

    Let’s talk about water fluoridation this week. And, being that I’m a dentist, you’ll probably be a little surprised by my stance on it. At least in terms of it being included in water. As you likely know, fluoride is a chemical that is commonly found in most toothpaste brands. People use fluoridated toothpaste as […]